meeeee :3


HELLLO EVERYNYAN ! I'm fish, a teen who has many hobbies which include coding, illustration, and being a nerd. i really like norse mythology and media based off of it, my favorite norse god is HEIMDALLR !!! with close seconds being the vanir twins and then loki. anyway, i also really enjoy vocaloid and recently ive been getting into more animanga, including toilet bound hanako kun and watamote. i also have an unfortunately very strong interest in the worst manga ever to grace this earth Matantei Loki. because i like maloki heimdallr.

umm what else do i put here. OH i speak passable khmer (illiterate though) and im trying to self teach japanese. its going ok. i luv learning languages and ive tried to self teach myself like 3 in the past and got nowhere BUT THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT IM LOCKING IN

khmer . teens . any prns